PNP Mountain Bike Series 2010: Round One - Makara

>> Tuesday 31 August 2010

This year I was looking forward to my 3rd PNP spring series. Over the years thanks to Marco and the team they always manage to be intense but fun races. The day of the first race came but unfortunately someone forgot to invite the weather, so it threw a hissy fit. Riding to the race was a little bit more like swimming. By the time Jony and I got there the rain was starting to ease off, but by the time we started, well I was glad to have my raincoat.

The course went up Allington road to the top, down Rimu then along the 4WD to Big Tom, down Lazy Fern, up Koru, Sally Alley, Ridgeline Extension, and back down Lazy Fern to repeat the loop. Although the rain eased at times it never really cleared and the tracks got pretty sloppy. Koru started to look more like a stream than a track, and after a combination of the conditions and bad judgement I found my self nearly riding right off the tracks a number of times. I completed my course in a time 1 hour 51, fast enough to put me first in my huge category of, well, one. Although there weren’t any other girls in my category, by comparing times I would have come 3rd in the Rec Women grade, and I was only 32 seconds slower than their winner - Amy Hanlon.

Because we live only 5 minutes away Jony and I had ridden to the race, and because we had ridden to the race I had no warm clothes for after, so I hung around till I got my medal, but decided I probably wouldn’t get a spot prize anyway so there was no point in waiting. Biggest mistake ever. I later found out that my name was called out first, so I could have chosen the best prize. I’ll make sure I wait for the spot prizes at all the other rounds which I’m very much looking forward to, but I hope the weather will be in a better mood.


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